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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Practice Oil Independence - Buy Saturn! 

My little 99 Saturn SL2 is proof of a future free of dependence on oil!*

Every few months or so, it burns up all the oil in the crankcase. Or at least that's what the little dipstick tells me. I never remember to check it except when the mileage gets up to 3000 since the last maintenance, but I *KNOW* it's running on nothing long before that. I've tested it. It loses oil at an alarming rate, but it doesn't drip on the ground... it gets burned up in the engine, I guess.

And it never complains! For 170,000 miles now it's been like this (well, at least for the last 120,000 or so). And never! NEVER has there been an oil-related malady. No "Service Engine Now" light. No Engine Overheating. Well, maybe on a hot summer day stuck in traffic once or twice a year -- but nothing that opening the windows and turning the vents to HOT can't fix.

Saturns are magical little fun boxes that allow me to be stupid!

Buy a Saturn!

*(engne oil, not refined fuel oil)

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