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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

eBay for the (Un)faithful 

eBay recently pulled the plug on an yet another auction it deemed faudulent. It was for a half-eaten piece of grilled cheese sandwich that supposedly had the Virgin Mary's face on it. (

But why stop there? Couldn't we then put up an auction for "Monotheistic Religion" with "Prayers Answered" and "100% Guaranteed Results for the Faithful" (and while they're at it, add "L@@K - NO RESERVE - PHOTO"). Maybe then eBay could declare that auction fraudulent and we'd have a difinitive answer on the whole God issue.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I Want To Want To Write 

A wise man once told me (and the rest of our writing class) that "every would-be writer wants to write -- what you guys desire is to 'want to want to write' -- that's the key."

We all nodded knowingly at the time, but I don't think many of us really understood. I'm not sure I did either. But it sounds nice. For example, right now I want to write. But, this blog notwithstanding, I still find myself unable to sit down at the computer (or notepad) and begin that novel and/or screenplay I have in my head.

I remember teach added "If it was as simple as 'wanting to write,' you'd all be writing every night. But you aren't. So you don't 'want to write' yet. You all need to 'want to want to write.' "

Well, my brain hurts now. And my awesome story still isn't on the page. I seem only to be able to write in short, 3 page amounts (that's why comedy sketches come easy).

If any of you have some words of advice on how to "want to want to write," let's have em.

Most of the time I simply "want to sleep," but that's probably due to my sucky 3 hour commute (round trip).

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