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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I don't like the blues, but what I heard last night swept me up and so transfixed me that I think I have seen the light.

Rodney "B.R." Millon, the lead guitarist for my cousin's band, Keith Hollis and the Po' Boyz, will some day be as infamous as BB King or Joe Satriani. I throw those names out not because I know anything about blues guitarists or know that they are two famous examples of them -- in truth, I really have no idea. But they came to mind nonetheless.

Still, B.R. Millon is *FREAKING AMAZING*!!! I didn't know I could be struck dumb like that. I want to follow this guy and see him perform wherever he goes! I can take or leave the music in general, but the way he plucked those strings was something fierce and wonderful. He just sorta grinds his jaw and closes his eyes. He's off in another world when he does his solos.

I am time stamping this right now... Thursday April 13, 2006 Pat said "BR" Millon will be famous someday and I shook his hand way back when.

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