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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Definitely the Sangria 

Beers and Glendronach 17-year on Tuesday ... no headache.
Sangria on Wednesday ... headache.
More beers on Thursday ... no headache.
Sangria = headache

It's scientific!

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Thursday, December 29, 2005


Having discovered the most delicious headache I know that comes in a pitcher, I must nonetheless share with you a warning: Too much Sangria -- or perhaps any Sangria at all -- yields a mushy yet pincer-like pain in the forehead that follows you the entire day after, incuding barely-openable eyelids and a groggy, non-work-conducive petrification that can barely -- just barely -- be survived if one's boss has the day off and there are no deadlines.

But OH is it TASTY!

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Monday, December 12, 2005

Five Wierd Habits 

Not my game, but hard to resist passing it along...

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. Spelling "weird" wrong. (see the title of this post!) I do that. I spell things wrong and I just don't care that I do. I know I am spelling it wrong and I think that it's cute to have a little idiosyncracy and I just let it hang out there. I spell "whacky" the same way. Ian loves it when I do that. He said once "Oh, it was whacky as in you hit people over the head a lot?"

2. I used to feel compelled to turn around the same number of times to the left in the shower (to reach for the soap) as I did right (to get the shampoo). That might be called obsessive compulsive. I thought so too, so many years ago I told myself "stop that!". And now it's just a dull creepy ache in the back of my head that says "aren't you tempted to turn left instead of right just to even it out?" and I smile and ignore that little voice.

3. When I am REALLY enjoying a rare, singular moment of bliss (like at a really great fireworks show, a drunken moment at a great party, a fork of lightening on a midwest plain) I can't help but pretend that someone I know is there with me in my head. No, really. Inside my head... like in the movie "Being John Malkovich". I imagine them STUCK in my head... forst of all wondering WHO's head they are in and then trying to figure out why it's happening, and finally enjoying the momoent along with me. It's a different person every time. Chances are it has at some point been you, dear reader.

4. I have to eat cranberry sauce first at a meal. Once I have eaten anything else, cranberry is verbotten to my pallette. It is simply so.

5. I cannot write in script format. It sounds horrible. It sonds like NOT me. I must write in a big run-on lump of paragraphs in Word and then later I can add characters and stage directions.

Hmm. That's not a habit. Okay, here's the real number 5... The more I drink, the more people I can hear. It can get real bad. If I am in a really good mood at a party and have had enough, but not too much, I can listen -- nay MUST listen to 4 or more different conversations. By necessity, this means being a very good bullshitter to the person I am actually talking to. I hate it, cause it must be obvious to them. But it's SO exciting to follow so many threads and I can only do it while tipsy. Apologies to all of you who have been victim to this. Chances -- once again -- are it has at some point been you, dear reader.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Here's a great diet plan:

Go to a friend's house.
Eat his home-made salsa.
Learn after the fact that the salsa was prepared by opening hundreds of Carl's Jr. salsa packets collected over several months.
Wait 2 days.
Get sick.
Lose all stomach contents to the point that your throat is on fire to a degree you had not ever thought possible (from the stomach acid).
Lose your appetite for 3 days.
Watch your stomach shrink.
Keep it that way throughout the holidays.

(Ok, he's a great friend. Really. Just don't eat his salsa.)

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I took a break from writing comedy in order to make some freelance dough and put in extra hours of overtime pay at work.

I thought I needed a break from writing.

Now I miss writing.

I watch the news or listen to the radio and think "Oooh... I could just shirk a little of this design work and write something."

Once you get used to writing every week, it's hard to put it down.

If only I could get used to writing every day. Sometimes I think a laptop would be the solution cause then I could write during lunch or in bed or wherever. I think there's merit in that cause sometimes I balk at sitting down to write simply because it feels like work -- sitting at the old computer.

Writing and theatre (See previous post). As addictive as beer drinking and computer games (respectively) -- but better for you.

Which reminds me -- I could really go for a Guinness and a couple levels of Medal of Honor...

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