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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


What an intruiging little story.

4 complete bastards. Jude Law, Julia Roberts, Clive Owen and Natalie Portman.
Within a few scenes, you begin to understand them, fall in love with them, and then learn to hate them uttlerly.

They bitch, they connive, they cajole, they drink lots of tea and Guinness, they screw and they write dirty little instant messages to each other.

How techie! How British!

Julia Roberts is wasted, IMO (gasp! did I just say that? -- no, not the internet shorthand.. which I never use.. and you did't just see) Yes, Julia sits and whimpers and pines and kisses. All well and good, but the others are given lines to wrap their chiseled, European jowls around and she just gets to sit pretty.

Natalie does cartwheels in stripper gowns, Jude pouts behind his sexy little German glasses, Clive says words his mother should have washed out long ago... in fact, the whole moive could rate a brusque PG-13 if it weren't for the dialogue... I don't recall a single on-screen sex scene.

All in all, way better then the over-rated Million $ Baby. A movie that comes out punching and feinting and then ends up in the corner... of a different ring... at a different sporting event entirely... in an completely separate movie. If it weren't for the sleep-inducing hackney-puck of a directing style, it might have kept my attention to the end... but after the twist... it goes to nowhere but predictability land.. Eastwood style.

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