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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Little Men 

I am getting the urge to do miniatures gaming again. I don't really want to use any standard rules system... probably some home brew rules like Red Rahm uses. My daughter is really interested in painting figurines now. If I can get her to do a few hundred then I will be set for a nice little battle scenario.

We've been visiting Games Workshop's Westminister location for several months now, off and on. I think they smell a sale. But $10 a figure? Sure it's metal, and it probably is worth 100 points in the system (some magical Skaven shaman or summat I bet), but give me a handful of cheap plastic ones any day.

I also want to construct a playing board... lots of lichen and glued-on sand and what not. By the time we are done with it we will probably be sick of miniatures, but it will be a fun process.

Heck, there's an entire section on eBay just for Ral Partha!

Now I can finally find out what "Elf Astride Dog-Like Creature, Sporting Blob of Die Cast Metal and Torn-Off Remnant of Badly Designed Accoutrement" really looks like up close.

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