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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Messing with the Fanboy Timeline 

One of the perks of working at a Hollywood design firm is seeing things way ahead of time. For exampe, working on posters for movies that are only just now being shot.

Even as the world awaits the premiere of something, we are doing the home video release version of it. For example, Scott and Robert are anxious for the upcoming world premiere of the Farscape miniseries while at the same time I am busy putting together the packaging for the DVD. The packaging contains lines like "well-received" and "amazingly popular miniseries". As if these things are guaranteed! (Maybe they are... I don't watch the show.)

I guess these things need to be rolling way ahead of time, but it still seems rather disingenuous.

The other weird thing I have found is that the studios often parcel out their poster duties to design firms WITHOUT any taglines or subtitles. That means that art directors are coming up with taglines for movies! Imagine a studio sending out a request for artwork for the original Alien movie... "Yeah, We need some posters, and we really don't have anything besides the movie title. If you have a spare moment, give us something like 'Alien... In space, noone wants to miss a great, scary alien movie.' But make it better."

I could learn to like this job.

"Star Wars 3 - I Have No Deodorant And I Must Wait In Line"
"Superman vs Batman - Sometimes even no-name actors get to wear tights"
"The Hobbit - A little carpet fuzz goes a long way"

Do I have a knack for this or what?
(Don't say "Or what"!)

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