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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

"I Saw This In A Movie Once" 

Movie geek admission? Auto-reflexive reference? Macguyver gadgetry scene preface?

I fear we shall never know. As it stands, it's just something the director of "Surge of Power" had me say so that my very first star moment on film was not a walk-on non-dialogue roll.

Last night, I got to see myself on the big screen in the coveted role of "Bank Robber #2". I would love to say that it was all due to Aaron's masterful PA yelling that I hit my marks and made it to the set on time, but I don't even remember if he was on set that day. It was all just a whirlwind of excitement.

One thing is for sure... I didn't suck too bad. I didn't even sound too "ACTORLY", as I'd feared I would. I looked like a big balding chubby inept bank robber. Covered in silly string.

Still, it was great fun being a part of a feature film. Even if it doesn't stand a chance of ever being screened theatrically. I'm afraid I know the industry all too well.

Besides, I don't know if I could take the paparazzi.

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