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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Donnie Dynamite 

I recently saw two movies that were supposed to be great films. Applauded by critics. Hailed as original works of cinema -- the next auteurs of Hollywood.

They stank.

"Donnie Darko" and "Napoleon Dynamite"

Maybe "stank" is too cruel. They simply failed to amaze.

But I am beginning to think I have seen TOO MUCH good indie cinema and maybe that's my problem. To me, these films look like copycats of other, better films. But to the recent slate of review-writing newcomers and the older critics who are now discovering this niche, perhaps these films are groundbreaking.

I can see where Donnie is cool and edgy, weaving in and out of its timelines, overlaying teen angst with horror movie motifs and oddball humor. But really, is it better than Memento or Dark City or The Butterfly Effect?

Napoleon is kooky and refreshingly downplayed in its reach. But does it have anything on Slackers or Ghost World or Welcome to the Dollhouse?

I think there must be a glut of reviewers that are going to lower budget films for the first time and are being surprised by something that many of us have known for a while... there is good stuff being made outside the major studios.

Do I dare expect much of "Garden State"?

Check back next week...

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