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Being your place on the web to make Pat feel all warm and snuggly... or just a place to type random text... ANYTHING to get those badgers, mushrooms and African snakes out of my head!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Wine? Good lord who brought wine? 

I opened my house up to hundreds of friends and friends of friends and people who have X-Boxes surgically attached to their hands who pretend to be friends of friends but who are in actuality friends of friends of friends and just want to play Halo for 8 hours.

And, yup. I love them all.

They did not break things. They did not move things around (much). And many of them actually cleaned up their messes. But good lord, man! Who brought wine?

I have nothing against wine, I just try not to drink it. And when I do I feel mostly like washing it down with beer.

Luckily there was more than enough (read: freaky gobstopping amounts) of beer. And it all got drunk (except for the mini keg, which is now MINE ALL MINE, BWAHAHAHAH!).

The house doesn't even smell like gamers, so most of you must have showered.

I learned of many games that I want to buy now. And I learned where to buy them online. And it is sad because I wish people still went to brick and mortar game stores. But if Wizards of the Coast can't keep customers coming to mall stores, then what hope is there for the next Gamesmanship (to name a kick ass store that didn't make it) or Games of Westwood (to name a store with a great following that still succumbed to the reality of retail).

If I had a game store, it would be the greatest one ever. You would all come from miles and miles and ask me "what's cool these days" and I would hopefully not say "PokeYugiSchmoo-the Collectible Card Game". But if I did then it would only be cause it was making me fists full of money.

And I would gladly sell pack after pack to friends of friends of friends of friends...


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